Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is currently the leading cause of cancer death in Australia, and the world. It is often diagnosed quite late, due to a relative lack of symptoms early in the disease process. As a result, the earlier that lung caner is diagnosed, the better the chances of curative treatment being possible.
There is currently much interest in the potential utility of lung cancer screening programs, through the use of low dose CT scanning of at risk patients. This is not yet mainstream practice. Early diagnosis and optimal staging are of the utmost importance, to provide the best chance of being offered the most appropriate and timely treatment.
Dr Wilsmore is skilled in many procedures which allow the best chance of an early and accurate diagnostic and staging strategy, including:
- Expert CT and PET interpretation
- In room ultrasound (chest & neck)
- Bronchoscopy
- Endobronchial Ultrasound (radial and linear)
- Involvement in Eastern Health Lung Cancer Multi-disciplinary team
- Ongoing research efforts in optimal lung cancer staging strategies

Dr Wilsmore is currently the only Respiratory physician in Melbourne to offer in-room performance of neck ultrasonography and fine needle aspiration in the work up and staging of potential lung cancer patients.
For more information on this condition, we recommend you visit Australian Lung Foundation.